Tag Archives: tips

10 Ways to Substantially Improve Your Quality of Life

There are a lot of articles out there that discuss ways to improve your life. But who has the TIME for that? I mean let’s be real, not everyone has time to cook themselves a five star meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Nor does it seem possible to take candle lit bubble baths every night.

I’ve come up with 10 ways to substantially improve your quality of life while being time-conscious and realistic. Take it from me, I’m a full time college student working my way towards an early graduation and I still find time for all of these things.

1. Keep Your Living Space Clean

I find an unclean living space (especially the kitchen) to be so uninspiring. If my surrounding environment is dirty and unorganized, it discourages me from being productive. If there’s dirty dishes piled in the sink and garbage overflowing, I have no desire to prepare healthy meals for myself. Instead, I grab the easiest thing I can and get myself out of there.

A clean living space inspires productivity and puts you in a better mood. I think one of the best feelings the world has to offer is coming home to a clean, tidy living space. There’s just something about it that makes me feel complete and more inclined to take care of myself.

2. Listen to your favorite song/artist at least once a day

They’re your favorite for a reason. Keep the good vibes flowing by playing your favorite song/artist on your way to work, while you’re in the shower, while cooking dinner, on your lunch break, etc. I promise this will uplift your spirits.

3. Drink tea

This I know has been said a thousand and one times, but for a reason. Tea has so many health benefits that it’s almost a no-brainer to incorporate it into your diet. It’s overflowing with antioxidants, you know the things that help your immune system fight intruders. Tea also has much less caffeine, which means less jitters, indigestion, headaches, and crashes for you. Also, I can’t forget to mention that tea has ZERO calories! No, that is not a typo.

There are so many different flavors of tea that you’re bound to find one you like. To keep things healthy, I like my tea with one Stevia packet or a bit of honey.

4. Start your day by brushing your teeth and washing your face

Before you lie in bed with your phone like it’s the morning newspaper, get up and brush your teeth and wash your face. You’ll feel so much better after you wash away the night’s oil that’s built up on your face and putting an end to that morning breath. Plus, it’ll make you feel much more refreshed than your best friend’s latest Facebook status or photos of your ex with his newest girlfriend, I promise.

5. Go outside

No seriously, take 5 minutes of your day and go outside. Take a breath of fresh air, even if you live in a place that you wouldn’t necessarily consider “fresh.” It’s easy to feel cooped up and get lost in the hustle and bustle of things, especially if your job requires you to be in an office cubicle all day. Take your lunch break outside and use that time to appreciate the world around you. Bad weather? Sit by a window and watch the weather. No excuses here, go outside.

6. Don’t get wrapped up in social media

Now some may call me a hypocrite for saying that because we all know I love me some Instagram. But, try not to take social media that seriously. No one’s life is perfect, despite how hard they try to make it appear that way on social media. I use social media for fun and you should, too. Let it be a stress-relieving outlet rather than a stress-creator (that means stop stalking your ex).

7. Candles. Candles everywhere

Candles are probably one of my favorite things in life. They’re so relaxing and make the whole room smell fabulous. Even when I’m bogged down with homework and studying, I still find comfort in a burning candle. They make (almost) any situation a bit better. It’s okay to be stressed, but be stressed surrounded by candles.

8. Show appreciation towards the ones you love

It’s so easy to get lost in your own life and forget to talk to your loved ones. When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, take a second to call (or text if you’re super busy) someone that means something to you. Even if it’s just a “hey I was thinking of you” call or an “I miss you” text, you’ll make that person feel good which will result in you feeling good, too.

9. Get enough sleep and prepare to sleep well

Again, I know this has been said before but it’s so vital. Just think about a night when you slept terribly. Maybe you went to bed late and had to get up early or you were so stressed you woke up every hour. Think about how you felt in the morning: tired, groggy, irritable. Make time for sleep, and also make time to prepare for sleep. Unwind, read a book, watch some Netflix, do whatever you have to do to get yourself in a state of mind that’s conducive to sleep. Make sure you get enough sleep that you need to function. You’ll thank yourself in the morning.

10. Take pride in your health and well-being

If you’re feeling under the weather, listen to your body. Don’t put it off because you’re “too busy”; you’re never too busy for your health. Putting it off will only make it worse and you’ll find yourself feeling way worse than you did in the beginning. There’s nothing shameful about taking care of yourself. Even if you’re not sick and just feeling extra stressed, take a day to relax and gain your peace of mind back. Mental health is just as important as physical health, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.